Interested in using Fools Made Wise in your ministry, church, or business? What a WISE choice!
I'd like to offer these comics to you FREE OF CHARGE! Feel free to download them and use them as you see fit!
But if you've been blessed by these comics and want to help me make more of them, please pray about PAYING IT FORWARD for others.
It costs $25 to make one of these comics (I've been working with a fantastic artist from Indonesia to produce them!)
Click the link below to get started! You can use either your PayPal account, or your debit/ credit card.
Thank you for partnering with me to get the message of Fools Made Wise out there!
My desire is to make one comic strip for every verse in Proverbs (so 915 total!). But I can't do this alone. Consider partnering with me to see this goal reached!